30 November 2014

Honey time

The weather was finally perfect to take honey, and I was at home! I wanted to take honey the week before, but lightening and rain stopped this. The two hives are doing well, however, the one I am working on below has placed brood into the middle of the 2nd supper - so I only managed to take 8 frames (the top super is new and although nearly full it has a week or so to go). The back hive is new this spring (the box was empty and a swarm took it over) - the bottom super is just being worked on, the upper is full (odd, the bees started at the top, however, the bottom has wax moth, so I am going to replace super next week. I took 2 frames from this hive - spinning 18.5 kg from the 10 frames - enough for Christmas!

Taking frames for honey

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